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Q&A ICD-10 Zingers


ICD-10-CM Student
Here are some Brain straining ICD-10 questions for Alicia...(or whoever would like to answer them!)

1. Can traumatic pleural effusion be coded as pleural injury (S27.69XA) and pleural effusion NEC (J91)?

2. What would the code be for gastroesophageal metaplasia? The book is blank by metaplasia - esophagus.

3. How would you code gastroesophagitis?

4. How many miscarriages does a patient have to have before you can code Abortion, habitual or recurrent.

5. Can vitamins be coded as a long term medication?

6. Can we code pregnancy complicated by drug use if the physician doesn't document a mental or behavioral effect?

7. Does the documentation have to specifically say spotting to code spotting of pregnancy? Or can terms that sound like she's spotting be enough?

8. For outpatient coding, can we code the BMI without a diagnosis of obesity?

9. Can we code congestive cardiomyopathy if documentation says CHF with cardiomyopathy?

10. How would you code a degenerative lesion of the labrum? M24.111?

11. If psychotic features aren't mentioned can we code "without psychotic feature"? Example - F31.4 or F32.2.

12. Can we or should we code unemployment or homelessness if physician doesn't say they are causing problems?

Thank you for any information that you can provide! :)

Alicia Scott

Moderator, CCO Instructor
Staff member
PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
CCO Support Staff
MTA Student
ICD-10-CM Student
PPM Student (CPPM®)
FBC Student (CPC-H®)
These are awesome questions. Several I know off the top of my head however I need to pull the references so that you have more then just my word on it. Keep these coming in. I and the team will work on these as well as put some on the Q&A webinar.

Ya got a great ICD brain Everette. I love it!

Ruth Sheets

CCO Moderator
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PBC Student (CPC®)
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CCO Support Staff
MTA Student
ICD-10-CM Student
PPM Student (CPPM®)
FBC Student (CPC-H®)
Alicia addressed some of these questions during the October 2015 Q&A Webinar.
3. How would you code gastroesophagitis?
6. Can we code pregnancy complicated by drug use if the physician doesn't document a mental or behavioral effect?
10. How would you code a degenerative lesion of the labrum? M24.111?

3. Answer: K20.8 - Other esophagitis
6. Answer: O99.320 - Drug use complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
10. Answer: M24.119 - Other articular cartilage disorders, unspecified shoulder; 6th character indicates laterality: 1 for RT, 2 for LT, or 9 for unspecified.

If you want to read or view the video to understand the rationale behind these answers, it is available in the CCO Club. Currently, this is $19.99 per month.
CCO Club - http://cco.pe/1k0yNIf
The CCO Club gives you access to the transcript, answer sheets, video clips, CEU quiz (if you missed the webinar, take and pass the quiz and earn 1.5 CEU.